Monday, March 1, 2010

What are you reading these days?

Every once in a while I get asked the question, “What are you reading?” I am always glad when I am asked this question IF I am reading something at the time. No one has asked me lately, so I thought I would answer the question anyway!

I am reading my Bible. A year ago at Christmas my wife bought me a new ESV Study Bible. I love it, it is probably the best study Bible that I have ever owned or come across. (Apologies to you who love your MacArthur Study Bibles…) Right now, in addition to my reading and study in I Samuel for Sunday mornings, I am reading through the Pauline epistles. I try to read through a complete letter in a sitting. It is helping me to think “big picture” in each letter. My favorite Pauline epistle is Philippians. I find myself coming back to chapter 3 when I am getting “too big for my britches”.

I am reading a book on preaching written by some of my favorite modern day preachers. The book is titled “Preaching the Cross” and is a compilation of sermons given at the inaugural “Together for the Gospel” conference in 2006. Some of the men who have collaborated together are Mark Dever, John Piper, CJ Mahaney, John MacArthur and Al Mohler. I am so thankful for the resources available today to the pastor. I am also thankful for godly examples like these men, who stand firm on the defense and proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my desire to follow in their steps and be a faithful proclaimer and defender of the gospel.

I am also reading a book that was bought for me by a member of JIBC. The book is titled “Do Something” and was written by Miles McPherson. Mr. McPherson is not from my theological background and most likely would not be comfortable in our church and, most likely, I would not be comfortable in his church in California. This does not mean that I cannot learn from him and his book. Mr. McPherson’s premise is that we, in the body of Christ, have been equipped by God to accomplish something for Him and since He has given us all we need to get it done; we should be out doing it. It got me to thinking, if we, as a church, would each invest an hour a week in using our gifts, talents and abilities in His service through our church what an awesome thing that would be. Many are already doing an hour and more each week for which I am thankful to God. If we ALL got involved in this way, we could be an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of Heaven.

So, that is what I am reading right now. What are you reading? Take a moment and let me know what God is teaching you through what you are reading.