Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Facing any Giants?

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  When I heard these words come from the mouth of someone near to me that is facing a giant in their life, I was amazed.  We all face giants, some of our giants are emotional, some physical, but for the believer ALL of our giants are spiritual in nature too.  This Sunday morning we will contemplate David's battle with a giant named Goliath.  He could have also been named FEAR, because he put fear in every Israelite's heart except for David's.  What made David different?  I think the answer is in the words of Paul to Timothy at the beginning of this entry.  God does not give fear, God does not give confusion, God does not give anxiety, God gives us power, He gives us His never failing love and He gives us clear thinking.  Fear clouds our minds and is one of Satan's well used tools to cripple God's children.  No one invites a giant into his or her path, but God, in His infinite wisdom often places giants in our way so that we can witness and experience His loving care, His awesome power and His wisdom.  The next time you face a giant, instead of recoiling in fear, return to the loving arms of a powerful and faithful heavenly Father.  Hope you can be at JIBC this coming Sunday and learn how to face the giants in your life. 


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